felixultimate’s “Spectrum of Defence in Ultimate” Series
New video released every month
Full series currently available to $1+ Patrons
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This is the felixultimate Spectrum of Defensive Coverage in Ultimate, which categorises the degree to which a team is defending space, or defending players, and illustrates how Matchup, Poaching, Flex, and Zones are related to each other. The Spectrum is explained in full in this video (11:03) which contains many examples of each type of defence mentioned, broken down with a voiceover and on-screen graphics from Felix (available to $1+ Patrons):
Parts of the Spectrum video are available for free on YouTube:
In this video we look at examples of 1-to-1 matchup defence, the pros and cons, and why teams might want to adopt matchup D at different times.
In this video we look at why teams may choose to mark space as opposed to players, the pros and cons of doing this, and check out some video examples.
In this video we look at examples of Flash Poaching, and how different teams use it to gain significant advantage over predictable offences. Currently only available to $1+ patrons as part of the full Spectrum of Defence video.
In this video we look at examples of Sustained Poaching, and how different teams use it to gain significant advantage over predictable offences. Currently only available to $1+ patrons as part of the full Spectrum of Defence video.
In this video we look at examples of Switching and Surrounding in Flexagon Defence, and how different teams use it to gain significant advantage over predictable offences. Currently only available to $1+ patrons as part of the full Spectrum of Defence video.