An Isolation Cutting Drill But Better

Noah introduces a hexified version of a classic iso cutting drill. In these modifications every player is active, and the drill forces all players to stay switched on to find space, poach, and take advantage of poaches. Available for Training Tier patrons

Triangle Double Dribble Drill

This is a quick drill for training give-go double dribble technique, quick hands, and disc fluency. Players are challenged to think on their feet whilst sustaining flow. Full video available to Training Tier Patrons.

This is a quick drill for training give-go double dribble technique, quick hands, and disc fluency. Players are challenged to think on their feet whilst sustaining flow. Full video available to Training Tier Patrons.

Team Defence Session plan

Hey everyone,

For this month’s training content I’m sharing a Team Defence Session plan which I ran with campers at the Disc In camp in France recently. The session works on players awareness and communication, including their ability to work with each other to contain and frustrate the offence.

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Mooncatchers Give-Go Warm Up Drill

Last month I was lucky enough to be invited to Mooncatchers training with Stef Pazzo, and coach of Mooncatchers Pierre-Alain was kind enough to let me film Moon’s flowy dish pass warm up drill. This drill marries simplicity – every person does the same thing every time – with a high density of touches on the disc. I think it would be a great drill to add the the repertoire of any team who likes to take these small dish passes.

More Keepdisc Variations!

This month we gathered together some footage from a few sessions where we ran some of our favourite keepdisc variations. These rulesets all help with positioning and spacing of the players off the disc, as well as working on core throwing, catching, and decision making skills.

Full video available for Training Tier patrons, check it out here.

Patterns of Play – Continuation after Open Unders

In this set of drills we’re looking at patterns of play likely to follow from an open under pass. First the most classic cyclical isolation, then finding a power position from a backwards pass to dump, and then finding power position from an open under.

Full training video available here:

Sliding Puzzle Drill / Space Session Plan

This exercise trains players ability to recognise space, to create space for each other, to communicate / cooperate with teammates, and to use space on the field. It’s a flexible drill so I talk about many additions, modifications, and keepdisc game conditions which can be used to run a full session on Space.

Full video available for Training Tier patrons.

Run’n’Gun Training Session

Following on from Tobe Decraene’s Run’n’Gun Loophole video, this training session covers a new Run’n’Gun drill by Felix, a variety of warm-up exercises and throwing exercises, and details on a modified game to provide more opportunities and motivation for players to try the run’n’gun move in-game. Full video available to Training Tier patrons.

Keepdisc Zombies

This is a fun variation of Keepdisc which works for 6-14 players and involves players changing from offence to defence when they turn over. Full video.

Double Dribble Gauntlet Drill

This drill is a short minigame where pairs of players compete. The goal of the attackers is to use the positional advantage they have by double dribbling the disc towards the endzone whilst maintaining flow. The goal of the defenders is to stop flow and prevent the attackers from scoring. Full video available to training tier patrons.