In this video, Noah looks at how Portland Rhino Slam! used switching and poaching to disrupts PoNY’s side stack flow by exploiting the inactivity of the 3rd handler or shallowest cutter. Brinkworth Brinkworth2025-01-30 16:29:272025-01-30 16:29:28How to Beat Side Stack with Rhino
Noah introduces a hexified version of a classic iso cutting drill. In these modifications every player is active, and the drill forces all players to stay switched on to find space, poach, and take advantage of poaches. Available for Training Tier patrons Shardlow Shardlow2025-01-17 13:33:222025-02-09 13:56:28An Isolation Cutting Drill But Better
A few months back the French U20 team defeated the US to win at the World Junior Ultimate Championships. In this video, Noah takes you through the perfect example of how to buzz switch to mark out upline give-go moves or to block break side flow.
And if you want to learn more about countering handler switching then check out this video Brinkworth Brinkworth2024-12-27 16:12:212024-12-27 16:12:22How to Handler Switch in Ultimate
Merry Christmas! Hive Ultimate are giving away copies of Travis Norsen’s ebook “The Ultimate Resource” to every Training Tier patron in December and January. To claim your copy, contact us through your Patreon account saying “Free ebook please!”. This offer is open to long-standing patrons as well as new patrons!
Travis Norsen is a successful US youth coach who has inspired many with his implementation of the spread-flow approach in the youth scene. This book is in-depth whilst being easy and enjoyable to read, and I love every chapter. Diagrams are used to convey ideas flawlessly, and each chapter concludes with a “How to Train it” section.
Travis has an amazing story of introducing this new style to a traditional youth team over 2-3 years, the eureka moments they shared together, the successes they had on the field, and the trendsetting that they did in their region as more and more coaches could see the obvious benefits of this style of training and playing.
New Hive training tier patrons will also receive a free disc after their second month subscribed – new edition: RED! Shardlow Shardlow2024-12-20 16:31:032024-12-20 16:37:50🎄 Free eBook & Disc for Hive Training Tier Patrons! | Merry Christmas from Hive Ultimate 🎄
This is a quick drill for training give-go double dribble technique, quick hands, and disc fluency. Players are challenged to think on their feet whilst sustaining flow. Full video available to Training Tier Patrons.
This is a quick drill for training give-go double dribble technique, quick hands, and disc fluency. Players are challenged to think on their feet whilst sustaining flow. Full video available to Training Tier Patrons.
Felix takes a deep, deep dive into footage of Truck’s offence from US Open 2024, in advance of USAU Nationals 2024. Rhino beat Truck in the quarters at Nationals two days after this video was published, and messaged Felix saying they found the clips and concepts in this video helpful.
At the recent Disc-In camp, Valeria Cardenas and Felix Shardlow teamed up for a presentation about the Cardenas sisters and their unique style. We took a look at a selection of videos which Valeria had picked out, and talked about topics ranging from give-go technique against a mark, hucking, the benefit of no-pivot throws and pivot throws, fielding the pull, the contrasting styles between the US teams and Colombia, and more. Full video available to Training Tier patrons. Shardlow Shardlow2024-12-13 13:37:162024-12-13 15:23:38Valeria & Felix talk about the Cardenas Differential Factors
Colombia are one of the favourites to take gold in the women’s division of this year’s WUC. A big reason for this is their suffocating defense. Noah breaks down two examples of how Colombia approach defending horizontal stacks using a potent mixture of poaching, bracketing and switching. Shardlow Shardlow2024-12-13 13:31:372024-12-13 15:24:02How to Beat Horizontal Stack with Colombia Women
In this video Felix takes a look at the unconventional moves of Kristýna Tlustá, as she takes unusual options which are shown to be very effective at building flow and maintaining East Block’s offensive attack. Shardlow Shardlow2024-12-13 13:29:202024-12-13 15:24:40What Kristýna Tlustá Does Different
Hey everyone, it’s that time where we get to suggest rules to be changed. Head over to the wfdf rules forum to make your suggestions
One change suggested by Patron Baptiste is one of my favourite rules changes ideas, he identified the problem that calling a marking infraction isn’t really worth it right now – maybe that would change if the marking infraction rules were streamlined but also larger penalties should be considered in my opinion (e.g stall reduction by 2-3).
You can vote on my suggestions here
Thanks for watching, Noah Shardlow Shardlow2024-12-13 13:27:222024-12-13 13:27:26Which Ultimate Rules should be Changed in 2025