Fast Break or Patient End Zone Offence?

Leo highlights fast-break options and defensive opportunities in this clip from Scandal v Brute Squad at the 2019 US Open, countering Jonny Malks’ praise of Boston’s patient stack play. Watch full video.

How To Run Dominator Offense Like Ring

Ring of Fire’s Jack Williams walks through how they ran a 3-man dominator (with Matt Gouchoe-Hanas and Sol Yanuck) against Doublewide to quickly work up the field for an easy score. Watch full video.

Triangle Dominator Weave Exercise

This exercise (available to Training Tier patrons) replicates the triangle motion offense pattern that Jack Williams talks about in his analysis video of Ring’s dominator offense. Easy setup and execution of the exercise with a group including demonstrations, and head-cam footage breaking down the details from the first person perspective, so you can effortlessly integrate it into your session. Watch the full video here (3:05).

Interview with Noah Brinkworth

Valerio Iani from the Italian Federation conducted an interview with Hive’s very own Noah Brinkworth yesterday, where they discussed Hexagon Offence and Flexagon Defence! We’ve picked out a few choice moments linked below, or you can check out the full 50 minute interview:

Starts 6:26
Do you think hex and flex could help teams beat the USA?
15:00 What are hex and flex?
20:47 3 good reasons to play hex
25:06 CUSB La Fotta’s 2019 defence / offence
26:50 Elite Ultimate already plays those principles – hex is nothing new
30:26 What does typical hex offence look like?
32:18 Hex is just good for development, not high level performance?
35:28 Fewer passes = better offence? 95% completion argument
47:04 Dribbling
52:36 How do you defend against hex?