Tyler Kinley on Ho-stack Poaching

Sockeye’s Tyler Kinley joins Felix to talk about a series of tweets he posted on 29-30 Dec, specifically the frustrations he feels when defenders fail to poach effectively against a horizontal stack offence. We then see an example of a successful deep poach, and talk about how teamplay can be used in different ways to cover for the poach – to afford the defender the liberty to leave their 1-to-1 matchup, and keep the offence contained effectively. Full interview/analysis available for Patrons.

Winter Ultimate Rocket League Championship – Highlights

Highlights from the 20 team strong tournament hosted on 19-20th December 2020. Ultimate Frisbee players from around the world clashed in the arena of Rocket League, to determine the Winter Ultimate Rocket League Champions! Watch the full stream from day 1 and day 2.

3 Star Players – PoNY v Machine – USAU 2019 Nationals Semi

Full video: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45837640
Felix analyses the plays and the impacts of Joe White, Sean Keegan, and Sam Little before drawing conclusions. These are excerpts taken from the full 10 player analysis video, which also features analysis of Gibson, Bansfield, Mickle, Garvey, Jagt, Lindsley & Hou.

Season 1 felixultimate 2020 Livestreams (22 games / 43 sessions)

From March to July 2020, we hosted our first season of live streamed analysis sessions. Twice a week I was joined by select guests, and we would dive deep into analysis of a game of their choice whilst chatting frisbee for an hour or two. The result is an epic archive of insight and conversation with some of the greatest minds in the game, covering 22 games in 43 sessions. Most of these sessions cover half a game – the 1st half on YouTube, and the 2nd half on Patreon – available for a token of your appreciation ($1/month). See more…