WUCC Highlights, AO All-Star Tour has begun!

WUCC 2018 in Cincinnati has concluded, free live streams of the AO All-Stars games have begun!

Live streaming WUCC with ulti.tv (through Fanseat) was a great success – we covered 5 games a day for the first 5 days, then the first half of the Mixed Semi Final, before lightning struck and tornado warnings were sent out, and the remaining games were moved indoors – crazy stuff! Here are the highlight reels we put together:

Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6

Now I’m on the road with Mike Palmer and Casper Schmitt, live streaming the Asian-Oceanic All-Star Women’s Tour. Last night they played against Bent in New York – highlights below – so 4 games are remaining against some top US competition. Here’s the upcoming schedule [all times are EST]:

Weds 25th 18:30: vs Green Means Go (Philadelphia)

Thurs 26th 19:00: vs Scandal (Washington)

Fri 27th 19:00: vs Brute Squad (Boston)

Mon 30th 19:00: vs 6ixers (Toronto)

See the AO All-Stars YouTube channel for live streams & full games
Follow the AO All-Stars on Facebook & Instagram

Highlights from the New York Bent match:

Full footage of Game 1 vs Bent available here.

Vlog – WUCC Preview, Amsterdam Hex Clinic, AO Allstars NA Tour

Amsterdam Hex Clinic sign-up: https://goo.gl/forms/3i6Z8ltURTiZnOaU2
Facebook NED Hex clinic event: https://www.facebook.com/events/18784…

More info on WUCC at http://www.wucc2018.com

Kept the video short and had some technical issues with my new machine, otherwise would’ve loved to have mentioned how great Reading look heading into Worlds, and how I’m looking forward to seeing SMOG (and perhaps some other teams) bring out some Hex! If you see any being played, send me the link!

Follow the games I’ll be working production on live by subscribing to Fanseat – http://www.fanseat.com

Ultimate Skills Project – Felix Highlights & “Catching” Module Intro

Introduction to the module on Catching which will be available at http://www.ultyresults.com – plus a little bit about myself.

Full blog post here: https://www.ultyresults.com/blog/how-to-improve-your-catching-in-any-situation

Analysis: Turnovers from Clapham v Chevron (Galaxy Point)

Analysis of the 5 turnovers in Galaxy Point between Clapham and Chevron, the final of Open Tour 1. Full game footage from this and many other great Tour games is available only at fanseat.com

Review: TOKAY cleats / boots

Quick analysis: Inward pivoting, & stack’s influence on technique

Talking about inward pivoting, the influence that playing stack offences has had on our techniques and habits, plus some info about live streamed analysis which is coming soon!

Analysis: Japan’s bizzare short-field defence pull play against USA & Colony

Brief analysis on Japan’s bizzare tactic of not chasing down the pull on defence.

Berlin/Potsdam: Hex clinic with Goldfingers

I travelled to Germany recently to run a Hex clinic with the Potsdam team, and to have a meeting with the US Embassy in Berlin about potential 10 Million Discs projects in Berlin and nationally.

The 10MD meeting on Friday morning went well, with the embassy being very receptive to the core principles which are naturally taught by ultimate; gender equality, peaceful conflict resolution, personal accountability under pressure, and mutual respect. We (Markus Kunert, Christoph Dehnhardt and myself) are looking at proposing a project which will engage a number of schools with high immigrant populations in areas with new citizens to help integrate them into the community, and work with groups with disabilities.

On Friday afternoon through to Sunday I was at a sports complex in a small place called Lindow, north of Berlin, training the team from Potsdam who are called Goldfingers – and a number of other representatives from other clubs nearby. Kim from Goldfingers arranged the trip – he had seen Hex online in 2016 and introduced it to Goldfingers, who had been playing it for the last two years, unbeknownst to me! It was really interesting to talk to them, see them play, and run a couple of seminars and a few practical sessions with them. They hadn’t implemented Flex defence yet, so it was fun to introduce to a team who understand the ‘hex philosophy’. It was exciting to explain to them the train of thought that led to coming up with Hex, knowing that it was what they had been playing it for the last couple of years.

Watching the Goldfingers play ultimate, I noticed they played in a fluid style and were good at sustaining flow, although it may appear chaotic to the untrained eye – to me this immediately looked like an experienced hex team. Chatting to them in the classroom session, I said that they already ‘got’ how to play basic hex, and if they just carried on what they were doing and staying open minded to learn from the offence, they would continue developing organically. They could relate to a lot of the ‘hex philosophy’ I often have to explain from scratch to other teams, and they appreciated how I presented the ideas clearly, and the perspective I offered helped everything in their understanding to fall into place.

Training Flex went well, through the classroom and practical session, everyone was very attentive and implemented the concepts very well, with some new additions to the drills I’ve designed to train Flex coming from the players.

Playing Hex all weekend, Goldfingers came 2nd at German Masters Nationals!

The Goldfingers Masters team had a practice match at the end of Saturday & asked me to be their coach on the sideline (I’m injured at the moment). A couple of times their Flex sandwiches got torn apart (as expected for a new defence), but when they started playing it more zoney-style it was more familiar to them as it is like a junk defence they play, and they shut down the opposing team convincingly.

Two weekends after my visit, the Goldfingers Masters team played German Masters Nationals and finished 2nd! Seeded 4th, this was a very good result for them, and convincing too – 15:4, 15:6, 15:14, 15:6. José, who hosted me in Potsdam, confirmed they played hex for the entire weekend and “were congratulated openly by at least one team, and in private by a few others for our use of the hex.”

I finished off my trip cycling around Potsdam seeing some fine palaces and different areas of the city. It’s a really picturesque place with many fine views and impressive places to see, so I had an amazing day. Check out all the photos I took from the clinic and from Potsdam in my Potsdam April 2018 Google photos album.

Full photos in the Potsdam April 2018 Google photos album.