
How to Beat Side Stack with Rhino

In this video, Noah looks at how Portland Rhino Slam! used switching and poaching to disrupts PoNY’s side stack flow by exploiting the inactivity of the 3rd handler or shallowest cutter.

For more on back to the attacker marking check out the previous analysis video

For more analysis of PoNY’s big ball woes check out this analysis from LT

Team Defence Session plan

Hey everyone,

For this month’s training content I’m sharing a Team Defence Session plan which I ran with campers at the Disc In camp in France recently. The session works on players awareness and communication, including their ability to work with each other to contain and frustrate the offence.

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3v1 Cone Defence Extensions

After last month’s 3v1 video blew the doors open on a new way of training defence, we’ve tried to expand on the exercise by changing some of the variables. We’re going to look at 3 extensions to the original exercise, with different numbers of players, cones, and discs added. Full video available for Training Tier patrons.

Cone Defence Reaction Game

This is a quick, fun, and easy-to-set-up game gets players moving and reacting to each other, helping develop defensive teamwork and fundamental movement skills. Full video available for Training Tier patrons.

Travis Norsen – Keepaway

Traditional scripted drills don’t involve much decision-making and hence don’t give players much of an opportunity to learn, through creative trial-and-error, game-realistic ways to pivot, throw, find space, create space, and attack space.  Keepaway is the simple, obvious, and most effective way to work on these things in a fun and intense way. Full content available to Training Tier patrons.

Travis Norsen’s Games with Modifications / Conditions

In this patron-only training article, Travis explains the two different types of game modifications or constrictions which can be applied during scrimmages, which he prefers, and provides a number of examples of modifications he has found to work well with a youth team training hex-style. Training Tier patrons can view the article here.


Flags is a great game for 2-5 players of any level to work on throwing/catching and a few other skills, with initial similarities to ‘piggy in the middle’. Offence pass the disc around, aiming to pass over a line marked out by ‘flags’ (or cones, or water bottles), whilst a defender tries to intercept. This 15 minute Training Tier video explains the rules in full, features footage of the game being played semi-competitively, and has Felix explaining the game to a group of 20 players of mixed ability who then try it out.
Full video available to Training Tier patrons on Patreon.

Training Flex: Lateral Bracket Switching Drill

This drill video (available to $8 tier patrons) trains defenders’ ability to bracket effectively with a teammate in a 2v2 situation where the offence are crossing over or positioned near to each other. Field awareness and communication are trained as the two players coordinate to keep the offence covered whilst they & the disc moves. Suitable for end zone defence, front of stack defence, and more dynamic situations on the field where two offence players are in close proximity to each other.

Watch full video here.

How to Train Flex: Triple Sandwich Drill

Training video for $8 Tier patrons – a drill which trains defenders’ ability to surround a tight stack of 3 offensive players, and the offence’s ability to sustain flow once the disc is moving.

– surrounding basics
– defensive awareness & communication
– reaction to offensive movement

Watch full video ($8 patrons)

How to Train Flex: Conical Switching Drill

Training video for $8 Tier patrons – a drill which trains defenders’ ability to switch or stick as appropriate, specifically in a width-restricted throwing channel.

– switching basics
– defensive awareness & communication – gesticulation, voice, eye contact
– reaction to offensive movement

Watch full video ($8 patrons)